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Financial Agement By Prasanna Chandra 7th Full Edition Torrent (epub) Ebook Rar


The goal is to help people understand how to budget, save, and plan for the future by sharing lessons learned through my personal experience. This book not only offers simple techniques but also digs deep into psychology and neuroscience in order to figure out what might be holding you back from reaching your full potential. This book offers an unbiased look at the most successful ways of managing money with clear examples on how to best spend your paycheck. It provides guidance on how much money should be spent in various categories including food, clothing, shelter, transportation and entertainment. It shows how to save money and create an emergency fund while still having fun money to enjoy life Step by step approach will take you through analyzing your paycheck to determine how much should be spent on each category. It will show you how to create savings for the future by creating an emergency fund, retirement fund, and spending funds. This book will also help distinguish between the wants and needs, showing how it is possible to live comfortably without going into debt or stressing about money. The book clearly explains why I personally prefer a cash-based system over a credit card-based system. This system is based my own experience as well as careful analysis of research done by behavioral scientists on which approach is the most effective. This book will show you why even those with decent incomes and strong credit cards still end up struggling to pay their bills and save money. You will also learn how to properly manage your cash flow and avoid cash burnout. This book is unique compared to other personal finance books as it sheds light on the psychological reasons why we buy things we don't need, even though it may be more expensive than buying less frequently needed items. The book will guide you on how to make smart choices while shopping for things like cars, homes, appliances, furniture, technology products etc. It will show how to look at things in the long term. The book will also help you make better choices in terms of relationships, friendships, love, sex, relationships in general in all stages of life. "Imagine your paycheck is an annual salary that you need to manage. When you want to buy something, how do you decide what to buy?" This perfectly describes this book's theme. It helps people by showing them how to create a budget for their money which allows them to save for future goals so they can have a balance between wants and needs without being broke by the time they are old. Also, the book shows ways on where not to spend money so it can be saved up for future goals. Writing this book has given me a deeper insight into the financial lives of people around me. It has helped me realize how much time, effort, and money is wasted by most young people in order to buy things they don't really need. This book offers an unbiased look at the most successful ways of managing money with clear examples on how to best spend your paycheck. cfa1e77820


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