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No introduction found. Please edit. Asking Questions with Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How The following are both bad examples of writing an introduction to a blog post:One really bad blog post about Mexican foodI know all the answers to life’s hardest questions! I’m so smart! I love numbers! But not math...math is lame. So anyways here are some statistics...blah blah blah...wooooo hooooooo! ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~.....blah blah blah....random facts about cheese....lalala.........please share this with your for pasta....... songs from the 70s..... Some questions to ask when writing a blog post introduction:The problem is that you want to hook your audience, and it all comes down to this fundamental question: “Who cares?” If you can’t answer that question, nobody will ever visit your blog again. You must establish a good reason for people to be interested in reading what you have to say. How do you introduce yourself in a blog post? You can start by talking about who you are, but the opening paragraph of an article should really be used for something more interesting than introducing yourself. You can tell a story, explain a problem or a situation you have been in, or introduce a topic that has some relevance to your life. Just remember that these introductions need to be short and intriguing. You also must choose the right tone for your blog. If you talk in first person, present tense about yourself or your experiences, you will sound like you are bragging. You will come off as unprofessional and uneducated if you use bad grammar and spelling. If you want people to respect what you have to say, they should be able to understand what it is that you are saying. Blogging is about communicating with other people about your experiences, tastes, opinions and ideas. Blog Post BodyThe body of a blog post is where you get to make your argument, share your opinion, or share your knowledge of a particular subject. There is going to be an introduction of some sort, and a conclusion. Using a blog post body can help break down what you need to say into smaller parts. You can also use the beginning of the blog post body to set up what it is that you will be discussing in this particular blog post. Then the end of the blog post body should tie up all loose ends and conclude with a final thought or idea that was brought up earlier in the article. Your blog post body should include: It will be best to use a bulleted list to structure your arguments and thoughts. This will help you get the point out and bring your ideas together in a logical way. The bullets help the reader scan through the article quickly looking for any important pieces of information that they can use. And it is also easier for you to remember what each section of your article is about if you write them in bullet points. Some examples of blog posts that include a blog post body:If I could move one thing from my computer screen to another, it would be my education. It’s led me down this really interesting path in life, teaching me a lot about myself and others. cfa1e77820


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